Homeschooling Convention - Homeschooling Grows in Popularity in USA

Calling homeschoolers and those considering homeschooling... another great Virginia homeschool convention sponsored by HEAV (the Home Educators Association of Virginia) is coming to Richmond, VA, June 9th-11th, 2011.  
Homeschooling is now a very popular and growing educational choice for thousands of families! Visit for more information. Check out these articles on homeschooling for some research and answers to common questions.
On a personal note, we have been homeschooling for several years, and it has been really amazing to see how our boys have benefited from it :)
P.S. FWIW... my son has read more books than I have... and he is only 10 years old. Pretty cool (and I have a college degree [hmm... with honors...], ouch).